Let’s Talk About Food & Farming
Let’s talk about food and farming today.
When I was really young, our family lived on a 5 acre “ranchette” where my Dad had a couple of acres set aside for a large vegetable garden and a small chicken coop. Our neighbor raised a few pigs every year. We ate fresh food from the garden and my folks did a lot of canning for the winter.
We also traded with our hog farmer neighbor for ham and bacon.
There was plenty of food grown in the garden to feed our family. We also grew, literally, a ton of cucumbers that we picked and filled several pickup loads to take to the local pickle processing plant. It was good times and we made a few bucks. Of course, local processing plants are long gone.
Today, most of our meat and poultry are raised on large farms, owned by 3 large companies. Much of our produce is also farmed by a few corporations, who depend on other large corporations to produce our canned, bottled ,packaged and frozen foods. Where it is then delivered by a few National trucking companies to the warehouses of one of the 5 large grocery chains that we buy our groceries from . Chains like Safeway and Kroger. For efficiency, a just-in-time delivery system has been created over the last 20 years.
As we are seeing, due to the Coronavirus, this system is starting to break down.
I urge you TODAY to begin buying a food reserve. Buy a little extra every week you go shopping until you have a 3 month reserve at least. From my research, we are just at the beginning of food shortages. We can expect meat and produce prices to increase by 20% soon.
If possible, start doing some gardening. It is healthy and therapeutic to get your hands dirty!
Our business is buying property away from the larger cities and offering them to you at a fair price . Maybe you can find a property that you can use as a get-away from the stresses of our current lifestyle and even grow a small garden of your own!
Be safe,