Tag: insurance

Posted on: October 27, 2016 Posted by: Blue Skies Land Comments: 0

10 Things You Can Do to Prepare for an Extreme Emergency

10 Things You Can Do to Prepare for an Extreme Emergency Last week, I covered my six basics of mini prepper insurance: Some cash (not in the bank) Extra food and supplies Extra water Shelter Energy Self defense If you have those 6 areas covered, you will be in pretty …
Posted on: October 20, 2016 Posted by: Blue Skies Land Comments: 0

The 6 Basics of Mini Prepper Insurance

The 6 Basics of Mini Prepper Insurance Well, we’re finally less than 3 weeks away from the 2016 Election for President among other important election contests. Will the winner for President be Hilary Clinton, Donald Trump, or maybe Gary Johnson? I’m sure all of you have your opinion on the …